In last week’s devotional, we discussed how to handle trials and temptations, but this week we are going to address the 3 A’s of having Patience in Suffering
Attitude, Advantage, and Assistance “Consider it pure joy, when you face trials of many kinds or opportunity for great joy.” James 1:2 When we talk about attitude, we talk about the posture of our hearts. How do we approach the situation we are dreading, the lowest valley we have walked through or the hardest trial we have ever been handed? We are called to be joyous not FOR the trials, but IN the trials. The trials produce perseverance, not just in our walks with Christ but in our walk of life. Trials are meant to be tests, to see if we pass with patience to proceed or pass out. “So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:4 When we endure through trials, we have the advantage of becoming experienced and gaining wisdom for future valleys we walkthrough. The way I see it is when I go through a really hard time with a friend or we are in the middle of an argument. I gain faith in us after that and I grow to trust her more in the future. So when these tough seasons arise, and they will see it as a growing period for you and God. Where you’re learning to push into Him and receive His wisdom rather than push away and force yourself to handle it alone. “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.” James 1:6-8 Walking through some of the hardest times in my life, I can look back and say without a shadow of a doubt, I always had assistance when I needed it most. That might be you, whether that’s a family member, a friend, a coworker, or maybe a boyfriend/girlfriend, you always have someone that has your back. Or, you might be the person who usually does life alone, nobody is really there for you, so you go on through life, believing nobody has your back. I’m here to tell you, that feeling of someone being in your corner, believing in you no matter what, and always you first. Is something we get to experience on the daily, by the grace of God. When you ask God to give you wisdom about how to handle a situation, be prepared, and trust that He will. As Christians, we can’t just believe in Christ, we have to believe in His loving care and trust He always has our best intentions in mind. We must have confidence that He will align our deepest desires with His purposes, even when it seems like we are truly walking through hell. When you take all of these into consideration, trials, suffering, valleys and the deep crap we sometimes have to walk through, can be faced with joy and patience. Why?
Because infused with faith, perseverance, patience and trust, suffering results in a mature Christian who lacks nothing. Being all God wants and created you to be.
My prayer for you today and some reflection questions are below. I love you girls! Heavenly Father, I thank you for waking me up today I thank you for each other and I thank you for all youve given us. Today Lord, I lift up whatever hard season I’m walking through. I can’t do this without you having my back, and you always being by my side. Help me to trust and help me to be patient with others, myself and you this week. I thank you for sending your only Son to die on the cross for our sins, and be resurrected 3 days later, for us to have forever access to you. We love and trust you, and need you now, more than ever. In your name we pray, Amen
What does the season of life look like, that you are walking through right now?
Have you been patient with yourself, others and God lately?
How can you be more patient this week?
Have you spoke to God this week and given Him full control of whatever His plan for your life is?
In the season you’re walking through, be honest. What does your attitude look like? What is the advantage of this season (what can you learn?)? Have you asked the Lord for assistance and do you trust He has your back through this?